JContactBackup - Backup and restore your phone contacts without the help of a PC

Have you bought a new mobile phone? Wondering how to transfer contacts from your old phone to the new phone? JContactBackup is the easy way out, without the hassles of PC connectivity. Here is what you can do:
Thats all. You can also keep a handy backup of your contacts in a text file right in your phone. You can restore your contacts from this file any time, without needing to connect your phone to a PC.

Note that not all fields in the contact database may be supported by JContactBackup. You can choose a higher version of vCard format while exporting to include more fields, but ensure that your new phone also supports that version of vCard. Otherwise, import process might fail. You can find out the supported vCard versions in the Export dialog.

JContactBackup is free to use and modify.


JContactBackup requires MIDP 2.0+ with JSR-75 support. Check your phone's manual to know if your phone is supported.


Main screen
Main screen
Export dialog
Export dialog
Import dialog
Import dialog
Settings dialog
Settings dialog


JContactBackup can be downloaded from here

Version history

0.5 beta Initial version
0.51 beta
Fixed handling quoted-printable and base64 encoding data

My other projects

J2ME application to enable editing of ID3 tags in mp3 files. See project page for details


Report them to gowthamgowtham@gmail.com

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